Friday, July 24, 2020

The Importance of Office Hours

The Importance of Office Hours With my entry into the University of Illinois as a transfer student, I came in prepared to work hard and do my best to gain as much knowledge as the university could give me. However, there was one aspect I overlooked. It was the importance of office hours. Whether they are with teachers assistants or with the professor themselves, office hours reflect where I spend a majority of my time doing schoolwork. First of all, these ever-so-important hours are a big help for the new style of college assignments, which require much more outside knowledge and a typical nudge to get one working in the right direction. Without the aide of those working the office at the time, I do not believe I would finish all of my homework for the week due to leftover loose ends in work, long forgotten subject topics such as trigonometry, and the possible misuse/misunderstanding of a new topic, such as relativity in physics. These office hours allow me to tie up the loose ends with a professional in an efficient amount of time to not only help get my work done and study for a class, but to keep my other classes from suffering due to the lack of time I would have without the lack of office hours. For example, this week I was able to have work done on Sunday that was due this Friday. Now I have plenty of time to finish my Physics 225, ACES 210, and ACES 179 homework during the entire week where I have time to ask for help in their office hours if needed. This is a big help because now I have a safety net against difficult or not so clear homework. Office hours in the greatest sense provide the best output with homework because when you complete work during that period, with the help of a regarded official, you know you are doing the activity in the proper way and benefit the most from studying that activity both from physically doing the work and mentally hearing more reasoning behind the work. Office hours are a blessing behind a highly overlooked on-campus title. Jacob Class of 2018 I am a transfer student studying Engineering Physics in the College of Engineering. I started with the Illinois Engineering Pathways program through the College of DuPage. I am from Naperville, Illinois.